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Service Bureaus
Advancing payment and document processing not only deliver huge cost savings, they boost customer service and perceived value.
Service bureau operations receive a variety of different payment types and associated documents. This makes system setup an ongoing challenge, and fluctuations in daily volume can make it hard to adequately manage resources and meet targets.
Purpose-Made Features
Our Image Studio makes it easy to set up new documents or to change existing document setups. Managers can monitor overall system performance and get the specific information they need to effectively assign resources and handle daily fluctuations.
All About Access
Connect™ Web Portal lets operators use either basic or advanced search to view reports or stored transactions from any time period. Clients can use their web browser to easily view this data and download it as needed.
Data Security is Paramount
Ensure customer privacy and support regulatory compliance with automatic end to end encryption of all confidential site data. Automatic or selective redaction of check, credit card or other sensitive customer information; along with audit logs and active directory integration provide the features to protect client data and avoid the difficulties associated with a data breach.
Supports Emergency Planning
Our cloud-ready software can be deployed wherever you require to support disaster recovery, pandemic remote capture and home-keying, or other multi-site requirements to best support your business.