Claims Automation
Claims and X-Ray Processing Made Simple
Mavro gives you the purpose-built capability to better automate your operation and see significant savings.
One Seamless Solution
Mavro has engineered a one-touch solution that streamlines processing dental and medical claim forms and X-rays. All claim types can be scanned in the sequence they are received, without complicated manual presorting. Both printed and film X-rays are handled with a single touch, eliminating the need for special envelopes, stickers or physical storage.
- Substantial cost savings by eliminating manual presorting and special processing.
- Ability to extract and scan intermixed claim types together.
Productivity and Performance
The variety of attachments and forms submitted with claims are no problem. There are no extra steps required for sorting documents into piles of single and multiple page claims with and without attachments, correspondence and numerous other categories. Best of all, no carrier or separator sheets are needed for small or exception items.
- Designed to accommodate the variety of forms that come with claims.
- Eliminates time-consuming steps required to process X-rays and unique media.
Capability and Control
Documents are automatically classified by the system. Any that remain unrecognized flow to an efficient image review process. Then Mavro’s Smart Batching™ technology routes each claim through the workflow based on claim type. Document control numbers are electronically imprinted on each image and pure, sorted batches are released to Mavro’s OCR platform or downstream claims processing system.
- Automatically scan both paper and film X-rays and add to the appropriate document files.
- Dramatically reduce security concerns with encryption, configurable access restrictions, redaction and flexible audit trail options.