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Opex Integration
Partner with the OPEX integration experts.
We continue enhancing our software to maximize our unmatched experience with the full range of OPEX scanners.

An OPEX Diamond Partner and frequent OPEX Reseller of the Year, Mavro has executed more OPEX installations than any other provider.
Our established history and close partnership mean your remittance processing system will be up and running quickly and efficiently.
OPEX Integration Experts
Pair the automation and workflow controls of Mavro software with the speed and quality of OPEX scanners for the optimal solution.
- Mavro’s One-Touch Processing approach adds patented Smart Track™ and Smart Batching™ to extend OPEX scanner capabilities.
- Continuous software innovation and an integrated system performance dashboard add value to your operation.
- Installation experience and effectiveness are matched with best-in-class support for true customer care.

OPEX scanners are ideal for Mavro’s unique, One-Touch Processing solution that allows all transaction types to be scanned intermixed, without any expensive hand sorting.
Why do I need processing software that integrates with OPEX?
Processing software helps to take full advantage of One-Touch Processing efficiencies. Once documents are scanned, the images are not only electronically split into “pure” structured virtual batches by transaction type, but additionally by key document index fields. This allows the batching to be more intelligent and automated anywhere in the workflow. This eliminates any presorting or outsorting, and maintains the best possible transaction integrity. Documents are touched once – saving both time and labor.
What are signs of a strong integration?
No other company has as much experience with OPEX scanners as Mavro Imaging. Several members of our team were previously development leaders at OPEX and on the design group that created OPEX scanning products. We have in-depth knowledge of OPEX scanner features and how to maximize user benefits to the fullest extent.
What reporting can I get from my OPEX scanner?
Using Mavro’s advanced Dashboard and unique integration with OPEX’s Insight™ application, you can access real-time machine productivity and operator performance data. From one Mavro Dashboard you can monitor volume by batch, transaction and page as well as access information about all completed batches and jobs. Users can easily create and run comprehensive reports for internal planning, forecasting and client billing.
Why Mavro & OPEX?
The relationship between Mavro and OPEX is longstanding and strong. Mavro has been named reseller of the year several times during our partnership. We collaborate from the sales process through project implementation with clear communication and accessible escalation paths. Should issues arise, we work together and eliminate any finger pointing to ensure successful root cause resolution.